know better

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know better

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:48:49

know better基本解释

明事理; 有头脑


  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. They said files that never should appear online are often left unprotected by inexperienced or careless users who don't know better.

2. North Carolina - Wealth management firms worldwide need to stop the financial equivalent of speed dating and instead get to know their clients better.

3. China chided former US president Bill Clinton for his upcoming visit to Taiwan, saying he should know better.

4. Many interviewers have come back from them with strikingly similar answers - they volunteered to help overseas friends to know their country better.

5. We know each other better and I feel more relaxed to communicate with him on court.

6. Staff at the park impart information about the animals during the meals and people get to know how to communicate with the animals better.

7. Van der Wath emphasized that the two countries and their business communities are getting to know and understand each other better.

8. Local residents who joined the march on Sunday said emphatically they support the MNE program, because they hope the next generation can come to know the motherland better.

9. I do not endorse that criticism, since there are numerous enlightened businessmen who know better.

10. Understanding the nature of black holes and their host galaxies is important because astronomers would like to better know how galaxies form and evolve.

1. You`d better know well the listed contents:the uppermost active site is peptidyl transferase enzyme catalytic site in ribosome; rRNA has important function in ribosome; there are a series of binding site and catalytic site which relate with synthesize of protein

2. Becom a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.

3. We won`t know until we better understand exactly how human activities are affecting the nitrogen cycle.

4. I promese to all of you, when you finish reading this Encyclical and together with all the readings from the Scriptures, you will feel that you Know Yourself better.

5. know better的反义词

5. The atmosphere over in Italy was superb but I know that at Goodison this week it will be even better.

6. Service, I want to know what happens if weFriday afternoon. He or she'd better know what

7. As you know he is, Robert. Nobody knows it better than you.

8. But it's only my first rally; I need time to get to know the whole scene better.

9. I know you better than you know yourself.

10. Ross: You know, sometimes when I'm alone in my apartment, I look over here and you guys... are just having dinner or... watching TV or something, but... it makes me feel better. And now when I look over, who am I gonna see?

11. Ross: You know, sometimes when I'm alone in my apartment, I look over h ere and you guys... are just having dinner or... watching TV or something, but... it makes me feel better. And now when I look over, who am I gonna see?

12. You know, only thing better than the last 20 years will be the last 21 years.

13. I know the game better than anyone else, and when needed, I can turn on the charm.

14. Please know that friends help to tell you, the more detailed the better, thank you.

15. I don`t know how better to have handled it.

16. know better的反义词

16. You know yourself better than anyoneelse, because you heal very well.

17. I know, I better camouflage.

18. I know my english is just so so, but i think i can improve my english by better ways in future and achieve the work requirement

19. I hope we can get to know each other better.

20. You need is in this circle inside, if have opportunity of better professional progress, profession, want to know a lot of people especially, and these relations want can hold together lives, want to safeguard it ceaselessly, resemble maintain an army 1000 day, resort to arms temporarily, in Internet circle inside do, because change of this industry itself is very sharp, your strategy adjusted the likelihood, the product was adjusted or other thing was adjusted, professional career of the person can happen a few fluctuant, very fast.

  • 临近词
We really should know better.(我们真的应该更加了解。)
Who should know better than I?(谁能比我更清楚呢?)
I would think that your customers would know better than anybody else.(我想你的客户对此的了解要远胜于其他人。)
But don't tell me you never ironed before. I know better.(可你别说你以前没熨过衣服,我看得出来。)
That's a university town after all, they know better, right?(那毕竟是大学城,他们懂得更多?)
The farmers know better.(农民了解更多。)
"If I didn't know better," she said, "I'd swear you weren't sleeping well."(“如果我没猜错,”她说,“你一定是没睡好。”)
I know better now.(我现在知道了。)
Putin: "They know better than that."(普京:他们知道挑下口的地方。)
I know better than to believe him.(我才不相信他那一套呢。)
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